Monday, January 30, 2012

ISO Lesson

This week I am learning about ISO with my beautiful photography teachers, Aimee and Stud from It's Overflowing. I am participating in a FREE photography course and I'm learning all about my new Nikon D3100 :-)). Go on over to Aimee's and be delighted with her decorating and photography talent. You can even join in on the learning if you want to improve your photos.

It's Overflowing
Now on to this week's assignment. ISO is the third part of the exposure triangle. We've already studied about aperture and shutter speed. ISO is the camera's sensitivity to light. A higher ISO lets in more light and the result is a brighter picture but the downside is a picture that is less sharp and the picture has noise (grain.) ISO changes how quickly the sensor absorbs light. Lower numbers mean less quickly and higher numbers mean more quickly. In Program mode, as I increase the ISO, the camera automatically adjusts the aperture and shutter speed. As I increased the ISO, the shutter speed was icreased by the camera.
Now a lot of blog ladies have a nice Mister around the house to help them out with projects or moving this and that around. As a single woman, I've wanted a Mister at times but haven't found the perfect one yet. I did find a temporary Mister. He's very helpful as he participated in this assignment without a single complaint. He also graciously holds the speakers to my laptop without fussing and he nevers asks me WHY I am doing something like buying more stuff at the thrift store. I can move him and even put him up and bring him back out without question. My Mister does lack communication skills but he tries so hard to make up for that with his BEAUTY. I know...I'm a cougar. But I can't help myself when it comes to my Mister.

I know I'm showing off my Mister...but for this assignment, I see the effects of higher ISO. The Abercrombie text is less sharp and the grain is noticible.

This is where my Mister is residing (temporarily,  as he is so versatile.)

Now...Go on over to Aimee's and join in on the fun!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shutter Time

It's Overflowing

I hope everyone is having a beautiful Saturday! I sure am because I just had another lesson from my photography teachers Aimee and Stud from It's Overflowing! This week, we learned about Shutter Priority mode. I must confess: I did not completely follow my assignment guidelines. I forgot to put my ISO setting on auto, so all of my pics are ISO 100. Oops...

There is a nice little waterfall down the street from my house that I can walk to in one minute. I am blessed with such beauty. Today is cloudy so my pics are dark but I captured the effects of faster vs slower shutter speed. I took about 100 pictures today at the waterfall and I put a few collages together to demonstrate the use of different shutter speeds.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Photography Practice

I'm Baaack! I stopped working on my blog last summer. I lost my job and was worried about being unemployed. I'm glad to report that I found a job and have been working full-time since September and so far I am enjoying my work.

Now for the subject of today's post: My sweet daughter bought me a Nikon D3100 SLR camera for Christmas! Lucky me. I am working on my photography skills lack of photography skills and found my new teacher, Aimee, from It's Overflowing. She has started a photography learning series. She breaks it down so that the info is easily understood.

It's Overflowing

This is week two and we learned about aperture and how it affects depth of field and shutter speed. Our assignment was to take a sequence of pictures that show the effects of increasing the aperture (increasing the f-stop/decreases the light) WOW...I think I understand my assignment and the results! It's my pleasure to post my assignment. Thank you Aimee and Stud.

This collage shows the f/3.5 and the f/14 side by side. Notice that more of the pic is focused with the aperture decreased (f stop increased).

Ok...I will play around with aperture this week. I can't wait for my next assignment!

Edit: I think it will be easier for me to refer to aperture as wide and narrow with wide referring to lower f# (more light) and narrow referring to higher f# (less light), so I do not confuse increasing/decreasing/higher/lower aperture and increasing/decreasing f#.

Edit #2: Upon further study, Increasing aperture=lowering F# (allowing more light), Decreasing Aperture=raising F# (allowing less light).